Earn money by losing weight
There are lots of ways to motivate yourself to lose weight: from doing it for your health to trying to get into your future wedding...

Get your dream wedding dress for less
Hello everyone! Although I love giving you money saving tips, there are some things I simply can't talk about. One of these topics is how...

5 Must-Read Money Books for Millennials
Today, the lovely lady behind "Boost My Budget" blog has given us her favourite book choices for millennials. They are all designed to...

Father's Day Guide for under £20
Hello everyone! Ok, how is it June already? I'm not even sure where May went! Nevertheless, let's embrace this month and celebrate...

Make money bargain hunting with JustLooking
Hey everyone! If you're anything like me, you’re probably the first one out of your friends and family to find deals and you take pride...

My favourite Mother's Day gifts under £25
Hello everyone! How is it already nearing the end of March? I can't believe how time has flown, I'm not sure I really want to accept it...

Why and how should we reduce waste?
Hello everyone! Today I'm joined by Zoe Morrison from Ecothriftyliving blog to talk about the importance of reducing waste and so she can...

My top 10 favourite celeb looks under £20
Hello everyone! This will be my first ever fashion post and I’m quite nervous/excited about it so I’d love to know your views afterwards!...

The Ultimate 350 euro Side Hustle
Hello everyone! Some of you might know that earlier this month my boyfriend took part in the ultimate side hustle and was rewarded with...

Instagram accounts you should follow
Hello everyone! Seeing as my life pretty much evolves around money, whenever I open my instagram, my feed is just full of freebie...