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Garnier handcream review

Retail: £3.99

I got this from Bzzagent a while ago and as I've been using it a fair bit this Christmas holiday (and it was a freebie) I thought I'd write a review on it.

My initial reactions are concerning the packaging. I think there's slightly too much on the front which doesn't make it as eye-catching as it potentially could be. I think if they removed the last two labels the product would stand out a lot more and people wouldn't have to squint to see the writing when it's on the shelf.

On the reverse side of the tube I love how they answer some FAQ and give more details about what the ingredients contribute to the cream rather than just listing them. I did note however that although it mentions the theme of "repair" in the title, it makes no mention on the back when it talks about what the cream does (which I think on Garnier's behalf could be another improvement perhaps?)

The cream has a thick consistency (about the same or slightly thicker than toothpaste) and you only need a little bit to cover both hands and still be enough to rub it in thoroughly. This from a money-saving perspective is great as it means the 100ml can last a long time; perhaps even the whole winter season?

I have a few paper cuts from so much wrapping which made me slightly hesitant when using it but the cream didn't sting at all when applied over cuts or sores which means it can be used by anybody with more than just dry hands: those with eczema or dermatitis etc.

Scent wise it's scentless which is an absolute God Send! Although some creams can smell absolutely amazing and still promise improved skin condition I find this is rarely the case and that in fact they have the reverse effect and make my hands dryer. Garnier's handcream smells fresh and natural which reminds you that your hands are being well cared for!

Post application my hands did feel a little greasy. For example I felt gripping a pen was difficult and when reading a book I left a fingerprint on the page, despite this it's true that it lasts for a long time and is very effective in moisturising hands.

Several promises were made on the packaging:

"Proven effectiveness:

- Hands feel hydrated

-Hands are moisturised

-Comfort restored to skin"

I definitely agree that hands feel moisturised but I think you'd have to use the cream regularly and long-term to feel a difference or improvement in dry skin.

I put the cream through my own little "water test." I noticed that my hands felt extremely smooth and refreshed (even more so than when using extremely expensive bath products) however you could visibly see the cream coming off and when I dried my hands I noticed that my hands didn't feel as moisturised or soft though the smell had remained and they did feel admittedly softer than prior application.

Overall I'd give this around a 7/10.

I think it's great it's scentless, good value for money, long lasting however it's a shame that the packaging is a bit overcrowded, there's a greasy aftermath feeling and it doesn't cope well with water contact.

Hope this review wasn't too cynical for you all and you'll come back to read some more reviews soon!

The Frugal Teen



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